Post-Operative care following General Anaesthesia

Dr Zeb McNamara Oral, Dental Implant & Maxillofacial Surgeon Brisbane Queensland.

Management of bleeding & administering gauze packs:

A small amount of bleeding or blood in your saliva is not uncommon for several days after oral surgery.  After surgery, patients will be discharged from hospital with a packet of gauze. Slightly moisten a gauze pack and bite down firmly on the gauze for 30 minutes as bleeding can usually be controlled with direct pressure. Remember to rest quietly with your head elevated and an ice pack on the back of your neck.

If your bleeding does not subside, please contact Dr Zeb McNamara on (07) 3518 0000.

Management of Swelling & facial bruising:

Swelling and bruising is a normal response to any surgery, however this will vary from person to person. Swelling usually takes 2 – 3 days to reach its maximum and 7 – 10 days to subside. If you are experiencing any swelling or bruising, please apply an ice pack to the affected area (20 minutes on/20 minutes off) for the first 1 – 2 days.  Continuing to move your jaw by gentle talking & chewing will also help to minimise any swelling & associated jaw stiffness.

Your oral hygiene – managing risk of infection:

To decrease the risk of infection and to encourage fast healing, it is essential to maintain a very high standard of oral hygiene after having oral surgery. Infection after surgery is uncommon especially when excellent oral hygiene is maintained & antibiotics are taken as prescribed.

  • On the day of your surgery, do not rinse your mouth out.

  • On the day after your surgery, you should begin to gently rinse your mouth with warm salty water every hour that you are awake and continue this practice for up to 3 – 4 weeks. Warm salty water (1 teaspoon of salt to 1 cup of warm water) will dissolve any sutures that have been placed inside your oral cavity.

  • Recommence your normal routine of tooth brushing as soon as possible.

Your diet following surgery:

A soft liquid diet may be required initially after your surgery, then gradually returning to your normal diet over the following week. Do not eat or drink anything that is too hot or too cold on the day of your surgery as this may encourage more bleeding.

Smoking & Alcohol:

Smoking should be completely avoided for the first 10 days following your surgery as it causes delayed healing and increases the risk of oral infection and subsequent pain.  Avoid drinking alcohol whilst on antibiotics and strong painkillers.

Discomfort after oral surgery:

The local anaesthetic will begin to wear off  around 6 – 8 hours after your surgery, so you should begin taking regular painkillers for pain management (Paracetamol and Ibuprofen).  Stronger painkillers may be prescribed by the anaesthetist and these should only be taken as prescribed.


You may experience some nausea and vomiting caused by a combination of the general anaesthetic, any post-operative medications or from swallowing blood. If you do experience any nausea or vomiting stop taking any medications and only sip clear fluids until the nausea and vomiting subside. If vomiting continues for greater than 12 hours, please call Dr Zeb McNamara.